Monday, February 28, 2011

February, Good-bye and Good Riddance!

It's the last day of February and I am so happy to see this month go away.  February has not been a good month on many fronts: health, running, weight loss, personal life, work, kid, weather, you name it.  I am excited for a fresh new month tomorrow.

To recap, I did log one final run for the last day of February bringing my grand total to 5 runs and 15.9 miles!  That is seriously low.  But given the fact that I spent the first half of the month in bed, I will have to accept that these things happen.

I also did not lose any weight in February.  My total loss for the month is .8 pounds, but considering I weighed less in January than I do now, I'm not really considering that an accomplishment.

What is an accomplishment is that I am determined to keep going.  I am not going to let this "bad" month derail my efforts and get in the way of my success.  It is what it is and I can't change that.  I can only strive to do more in the coming weeks and months.

To begin with I am making plans to register for some running events in 2011.  At first I wasn't sure that I wanted to sign up for any official events for a couple reasons.  First, I basically have no one to do them with and my family doesn't love the spectating.  So second, do I really want to pay to run by myself when I can just go outside my house and do that?  From last year, I have several ugly race shirts so the shirt is definitely not a draw.  But, having events on the calendar really kept me on track last year.  You know what they say, "Pain is temporary, but your finishing time posted on the Internet is forever."  Those registrations brought with them a certain amount of determination to keep moving forward and to keep running.    So I'm checking out my options and will sign up for something soon.  I know I will be running Bloomsday which is a 12K race on May 1st, beyond that I don't know.

Thanks for following my journey!


  1. February was rough for me too! I am ready for SPRING :)

  2. February seems to have been rough for quite a few people! It's officially gone!!!!!!!!!! Woo Hoo!!!!!
