Thursday, February 3, 2011

It Caught Me!

The sickness, that is.  I'm coughing, I'm aching, and my nose is running.  I took yesterday off from running, but I've been active in the evenings this week helping my son rearrange and organize his room.  My goodness he has a lot of stuff! 

Anyway, not a lot of info to share today, just trying to lay low until I feel 100% again.

From Julie over at Peanut Butter Fingers, I learned about Pssst.  I signed up today and can't wait to find out about (and possibly sample) new products.  If you're interested, sign up too.  Here's what their website has to say:

Pssst…is all about some of the best known food and consumer brands in the country. If you would like to receive news about new products (and even samples and coupons from time to time), you can become a member.

Pssst… also offers a behind-the-scenes look at General Mills and occasionally an opportunity to give your opinion about products and initiatives. Pssst… is fun and it’s free to Join.

Free and fun?  I'm in!
I'm ready to host my first blog giveaway!!!  I just have to figure out what it will be.  Stay tuned...


  1. Bummer! My son was home from school sick today, too.

  2. Oh no! It's definitely going around. Take care of yourself and get some rest. *HUGS*

  3. Hope you feel better real soon! *HUGS*

  4. Pssst sounds so cool. And I hope you feel better soon!
