Thursday, February 10, 2011

Comment Problems on Blogger and Other

Still stuck in the land of snot here so not much to add.  I did weigh 153 this morning, but I think it's not real weight loss since I just stopped feeding my cold and took yesterday off to sleep.  I still like seeing the number, though.  Will I ever be well again?

I was catching up on a little blog reading this morning and commenting.  I finally need to ask, what is the deal with commenting on Blogger and even WordPress blogs, but especially Blogger?  I always have to "post" like three times whenever I comment on blogs.  Is it the same here?  I really don't get it and it's kind of annoying so if the same problems exist here please leave a comment to let me know.


  1. It happens to me too on all kinds of blogs I comment on. I don't get it either.

  2. I haven't had a problem on your blog, Lori. Sometimes Blogger blogs get pretty wonky but I haven't had any issues lately. Hope you're feeling better, and soon!

  3. What Ellen said. Blogger will freeze on me sometimes for no reason.

  4. ALL THE TIME! Some blogs remember me (usually wordpress, since that's what my blog uses). Every blogger hosted blog is a challenge for me to post, some more than others. I don't know if it's a probem with cookies or blocked pop-ups, since some require typing a password, and that seems to be the biggest issue with non-displaying, repeatedly pushing the post comment button. ARGH! I hate it.

  5. Yes! I always have that problem. I notice it's a little easier if I use OpenID, and sometimes I won't have to submit 3 times to get it.
