Friday, February 4, 2011

So let's recap what I'm doing here.

I'm not an elite runner or even an athlete.
I may never finish a marathon or even a half.
I just like to run.  I like the miles to add up, I like the speed to go down, but mostly I like to have fun with it.
I am not a vegan or vegetarian.
I do not eat clean.
I do prefer eating whole foods and try to eat very little processed foods and preservatives.
I do love me some Diet Coke, though, and sugar free syrups in my lattes.
I drink too much coffee.
I also drink lots and lots of water.
I am not perfect and my eating is not perfect.
I eat too much bread.
I eat lots of fruits and veggies, too.
I try for optimism, but I am a pessimist by nature.  I'm trying to change this.
I am human.
I am a regular mom and wife who works full time.
I fit in exercise when I can, while I try and not feel guilty when I can't, or don't want to.
I am making sustainable changes in my life.
I want my son to learn that eating healthy and exercising is not a fad but a way of life.
I have days when eating sounds more enjoyable than running, but obesity never sounds better than healthy.
I am learning to accept myself, flaws and all.
I am learning that I am strong, though.
I am learning what I am capable of.
I know that I will reach my goal weight in 2011.
I know that I will keep running, too.
I am taking it one day at a time.


  1. I love this Lori! Especially..."I have days when eating sounds more enjoyable than running, but obesity never sounds better than healthy."

  2. Lori, I'm not a clean eater, either. I do try to be conscious of what I eat, but I have decided that I either have to use sweetener OR be heavy. I can't have sugar and stay my proper weight. One just has to choose the lesser of two evils. Great read.
