Monday, January 3, 2011

Monday Weigh in with a 5K


Just have a quick moment during lunch to post my weigh in for today.  Unfortunately it's another gain.  +.6 this week!  I know that I ate over my points on a couple days, but not by much--even the cheesecake didn't put me that far over because I had weekly points.  It's discouraging because I think about maintenance and how I didn't eat that much and I still gained.  How will I ever maintain?  It will be a learning process, I'm sure. 

Today I got up to run my Monday Morning 5K.  A great way to start the week, I think, and a great start to my 9 week plan!  More on this later...

It's my husband's birthday today so we are going out for dinner.  I am vowing right now that I will not eat too much!  I won't!  I have told you all now so I must keep my word!


  1. A 5k every Monday? You are my hero!

  2. You totally rock with that exercise! And that gain is so small, you'll have it back off in no time! :)

  3. Have a great dinner, Lori. Enjoy the moment :)

  4. Congrats on your weight loss! +.6 pounds is nothing! Probably just a good poo. ;-) I did WW for 3 years and lost 26 lbs on it. Are you doing the new PointsPlus program? I'd love to see a post about the new system from someone who knows the old system.
