Monday, January 17, 2011

A Gain with a Trip to the Gym

This week's weigh in: a gain of 2.2 lbs!  I weighed this same amount on 11/22 which was before Thanksgiving.  I'm not happy about it, not at all.  Salt is not my friend.  I hope tomorrow shows a loss because right now I'm feeling sad.

But, on the other hand, I went to the gym this morning!  I ran a 5K on the treadmill and completed some ab exercises.  I'm already looking forward to tomorrow when I'll do the bike and watch Netflix.  The gym has wi-fi which is a fabulous thing for video watching.  I haven't mastered running on the treadmill with my phone sitting on the console--I am always worried about accidentally knocking it off by hitting the headphone cord.  But on the bike I won't have that problem.  Yahoo.

I'm going to focus on cardio this week as much as getting up and getting out the door.  Today I was a bit later than I'd like, not arriving home from the gym until 7:45!  That means I didn't get to work until 9:30.  I must back that time back by at least an hour!

So goodnight.  Hope for a loss on the scale and a successful early wake up.

PS. Yes, I had to work today.  Not at all fair.


  1. That is so not fair! My hubby had to work to... just ruined my 3 day weekend. :/

    I'm sorry you had a gain. You will have it off in no time!! (and I think salt is out to get all of us!)

  2. Ugh... I had to work too. Don't worry too much about the gain. We are all still working those cookies off. Good luck, girl!

  3. As long as you're still doing the right things, that gain is just temporary (though a bummer). Don't underestimate the salt - it'll throw off your weigh in by a couple of pounds easy. Impressed with your work ethic!

  4. Don't let the gain get you down. Just push yourself this week....which it seems like you are!

    I had to work yesterday too.

  5. Watching a movie while on the bike sounds wonderful!

  6. Netflix is such a good friend to me right now. I watch it on my itouch when my music gets too monotonous. Running 5K is bound to kick some serious butt on those extra pounds. By tomorrow I'm sure you'll be celebrating a loss,'ve definitely earned it.

  7. Salt - ugh! My enemy as well....WAY more than sugar. NO worries though, you'll have that back off in a jiffy!
