Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A Day Later, My Weekly Weigh In

My official weigh in day is now Monday and I weighed yesterday.  I thought about blogging about it all day and into the evening, but in the end, laziness won out and I watched a movie instead.

But I know you're all glued to your computer screens each week for my update so here it is:

This week's weight 157.2!  That is a loss of 1.4 lbs.  I'll take it.  I'm nearly back to what I was just before Christmas.  (Today's weight is 156.2, lower than before Christmas.)

My Monday Morning 5K was postponed to Monday evening and then further to Tuesday morning.  Last week my husband and I had a conversation about my desire to become a morning exerciser.  He's supportive but also reminded me of my desire to sleep in and my lack of being a morning person.  He thinks I'm setting myself up for disappointment in myself.  Actually he agreed with me when I said this about myself.  But the deal is, as I've said before, mornings are consistent and evenings aren't.  So many things can get in the way of evening workouts, only one thing gets in the way of a morning workout.  One obstacle seems easier to overcome even if that obstacle is my own laziness.  So I got it done this morning and I feel great about it.  Rome wasn't built in a day and neither are goals.  But one day at a time, that's how my goals are built.

Ps. It's 1/11/11!  Don't you love it?!


  1. I just can't get out of bed early enough to run, so I do it right after work. I applaud you!

    The only time I run before 11:00 a.m. is on a race day. And I think race planners are setting up the non-morning people to lose. ;)

  2. Congrats on that loss, Lori! :)

  3. I was the same way!!!! Evenings were so inconsistent...but there was only one hurdle in the mornings. I started working out in the am, and haven't looked back since. Way to get up and get to it!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Congrats on the loss too!!!

  4. Way to go with the weigh in!! Exercising in the morning can be super hard, but it seems like whenever I get to the evening i'm too tired to work out, or like you said, something else always comes up. You are SO right though...Rome wasn't built in a day. Step by step! You can do it!

  5. Congratulations on making it so far in a year, you're an inspiratin that me losing 75 lbs this year is a possibility! As for getting up early, I could never do that. I am a committed morning-phobe. I love sleep more than anything (even food), so I know that no matter what, I'll never make it up early enough to work out. Right now I'm planning my schedule around getting off work and gym time. Meals are even scheduled around that!
