Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I Figured as Much

As suspected my salt weight gain is gone today and I weighed in at 3 pounds lighter than yesterday!  Oh well, planning for a great week this week so I should be able to rack up a loss on the next weigh in.

Alas, my gym trip was not to be this morning.  My body seems to want to wake up in the 3 o'clock hour lately which according to my mind is unacceptable.  So then I lay there for awhile trying to get back to sleep and if I finally do, by the time the alarm goes off, I feel like I never even slept.  It's a little frustrating.

I'm not sure if I'll be able to fit in any workout tonight.  With family activities and homework, I am sure a trip to the Y is out, but perhaps I can fit in the Shred or at least a walk on the treadmill after my son goes to bed.  We'll have to see.

For now, my lunch time is over and I must get back to work!