Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Who Knew Running Would be the Easy Part?

I spent some time reflecting last night.  How do I keep going forward without burning myself out?  I read more posts about the 30 Day Shred and even avid exercisers find it challenging.  Since I'm not close to being in shape, I assume this is why the workout seems near impossible for me.  Course, I'm whiny and I just don't like pain.  But still, it's a hard workout.  So as of right now I have decided to do the No More Trouble Zones DVD (hereinafter referred to as "NMTZ") on alternate days, hopefully to include Saturday.  So my schedule looks like this:

Sunday: Rest
Monday: Run 3 miles
Tuesday: NMTZ
Wednesday: Run 3 miles
Thursday: NMTZ
Friday: Run 3 miles
Saturday: NMTZ

It doesn't seem that hard, right? 

I woke up this morning at 5:17.  I set my "Lazy Workday" alarm last night which goes off at 7:15, but for some reason I woke up earlier and after debating with myself about whether or not to workout, I finally got up to do it at 5:29.  I put on my workout clothes, filled my water bottle and set up in front of the TV. 

The pain started about 4 minutes into the workout.  I hate jumping jacks!  And since having a child, well, ahem...jumping jacks suck!  Jillian wastes no time in getting the burn going.  I modified several of the moves because I'm just plain out of shape and WEAK.  I was using 2lb hand weights which I soon abandoned.  Moving my arms up, squatting on my legs, all without falling was challenge enough. 

I should take this time to mention that I am extremely uncoordinated.  It's not just the extra weight I'm carrying around that makes me off balance, it's simply a lack of coordination.  When they were handing out that gene, I was apparently missed.  I have never done well in any kind of aerobics or workout class because I cannot stay in sync.  The instructor is going right, left, right, and I'm going left, right, right, oh now a quick left to get back in sync, oops, now I tripped.  It's really quite sad.  So it's better that I have this DVD in the privacy of my own home so that I don't have to embarrass myself in public.  Although I an telling you all now when I should probably just keep it to myself, but in the interest of full disclosure, you deserve to know this about me.

Anyway, back to NMTZ, it's not an aerobics class where you're jumping and bouncing and flailing around.  You do have to move one foot and the opposing arm which can be confusing to me, but it's a lot of slow and controlled movements on a mat.  "Back to the basics," she said.  I actually really like the routine, but I hate the pain.  And there was lots of pain, even with what I was able to accomplish.   I guess it's not that working out is boring, it's that it hurts so bad.  And definitely not in a it hurts so bad it's good way, at least not until it gets somewhat easier or I see some results, whichever comes first. 

Today's workout  was further complicated by my child who got up and broke my focus with his questions and comments.  "You don't have anything in your hand."  "That one girl just keeps smiling, it's like she's stuck."  "Why aren't you moving?"  Guh!  Oh well, I will be ready to tackle it again Thursday.  I think I can, I think I can...

With regard to running 3 miles, three times a week.  A 5K is 3.1 miles and while I completed that program, I am currently running 30 minutes, and on the treadmill only.  And I am not running a 10 minute mile.  As I transition to running outside, I am still working my way up to a 5K, with a pace of 12 min/mile.  That is my current running goal.  And running, it turns out, is far easier than Jillian's workouts!  Who knew?!
The weather doesn't seem to care that I'm a treadmill runner trying to head outside.  It's supposed to get even colder the rest of the week and it's raining.  I'm afraid I'm not hardcore enough to relish running in the cold AND rain so I'm thinking I'll be back on the treadmill tomorrow.  I'll judge it when I see it, though.
Today is my official weigh in day.  Even though Sunday's weight was 196.6, today's official weigh in is 197.8.  Stink!  Oh well, it was probably the salt in the pizza I ate last night.  Did you know a slice (1/8th) of Papa Murphy's DeLite Cheese Pizza is only 4 points per slice?  I had two slices.  Yummy!  The Hawaiian, which I love almost as much, is only 5 points for the same size slice.  I had not looked at those points before.  I love it when a favorite food turns out to be relatively low in points.  The nutrition information published by Papa Murphy's actually has the calories for a slice that is 1/10th of the pizza.  I adapted the info for 8 slices because that's how ours is cut.  Actually we cut it into 16 pieces and then you get 4 slices of cheese for 8 points! 
I have been very good about tracking all my points, including any BLTs (Bites, Licks & Tastes).  Like when I made that salad last week,  I had to sample it when I was making it, but I accounted for it.  I have been using the WW Online Points Tracker and I really like it.  I have used the paper trackers in the past, but now  I either enter the points directly online or by using my iPhone program.  It's easy and convenient.  I have also been entering my running as activity which is fun to track for activity points.  I'm not sure how I'll enter the NMTZ workouts.
Well, that's what I'm up to.  I'd better get prepared for another fun filled day of work.  I just hope no one asks me why I'm limping.

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