Monday, March 21, 2011

Happy Monday

Happy Monday, everyone!  Today was fairly uneventful for me and I don't have a lot to report.

First, my weigh in had me at 156.6 today.  That is a 2.2 lb loss for the week.  But last week was a 6 pound gain so I was really hoping to lose more.

But I shall be grateful I was down at all considering that by Thursday night I went totally crazy with my eating!!  All was fine until I decided to try some new potato chips that my husband bought.  Mistake!  Who can eat just one?  Then we had a large dinner on Friday night which included too much pasta and bread.  Ugh!  This weekend included a quick trip to Seattle because my niece had her first birthday party.  While I thought I would do okay with this, I ended up doing terribly.  It was like the see-food diet all day on Saturday and when I went to bed that night I felt absolutely miserable.  Truly, it was the volume of food that did it, because nothing by itself was really that bad.

Sunday morning I woke up feeling terrible and my stomach was rebelling.  I ate a little breakfast, but I was nauseous the whole day, but also hungry which was weird.  I had the new oatmeal from McDonald's for lunch which settled my stomach a bit, but then the afternoon brought Arby's and that was a mistake.  Needless to say, today's scale number is better than it could be and hopefully as worse as it will get since I'm back to business now. 

While I didn't get up before work to run today because my stomach had lingering twinges of nausea, I will definitely run tomorrow.  Hopefully this week will bring about 4 runs, at least 12 miles.  I'm still trying to get back on a good running schedule since last month's running debacle.

And that is about all there is today.  I'm trying to chalk up the slip as just that, a slip.  But there have been too many lately!  I have to keep in check!  I need to stay motivated and keep focused.

I am considering signing up for a half marathon.  I think the training would do me good, would be a great motivator, but that's also why I'm not sure I'm ready.  I keep watching the registration for the Seattle Rock n' Roll Half on June 25th.  It hasn't filled up yet, but I know it will soon.  I want to register, but something is holding me back.  Part of it is fear and part of it is money, and still another part of it is something else I can't quite name.  It's $115 for this event and that is a lot of money right now.  I have to be sure I will do it before taking the jump.  I keep hoping it will sell out and then I won't have to think about it anymore.  What a lovely attitude, huh?  There are other events in the world, but if it's meant to be with the R&R in Seattle, it will be.

So, for those that have done one (or more) of the R&R series half or full marathons, would you recommend one for my first (and possibly only) half?


  1. I did RnR New Orleans & LOVED it!! It was amazingly organized, great pre & post race refreshments, awesome medal, fabulous expo. LOVED IT! I am doing RnR Providence in August!

  2. I signed up for my first full marathon, fall of 2011. It's the Rock and Roll St. Louis. I've heard good things (besides the high price) of the RnR finally pulled the trigger and signed up.
