Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Not Recommended

I tried something new today.  I didn't love it.  I don't recommend it.

I am currently listening to an audiobook.  I have a 35-45 minute commute to work and I am trying to get into the audiobook habit which makes me feel a little old, I must admit.  I found that I can download directly from the library using my iPhone (certain books, limited selections) which makes this practice fairly convenient.  I actually found a book that I am enjoying so tonight when I got home from work, I thought I'd try listening to it during my run.

Bee-oh-are-eye-en-gee, boring. 

After about 10 minutes, I was switching to my current running playlist instead.  But at least I tried it and now I know I need my music to keep me running. 

Speaking of running, it's a Tuesday again, missed Monday.  Oops.  And I have not found my treadmill stride.  I think I bounce too much up and down on the damn thing which makes my legs hurt and makes me feel more impact, if that makes sense.  When I'm outside I'm propelling myself forward, but on the treadmill I seem to be propelling myself up in the air.  I increased the speed a bit today which I think helped some, but I just didn't feel the natural rhythm that comes with a comfortable run. 

I am hoping for some nice weather in the coming days so I can get outside.  I'm on vacation until 1/3 starting this Friday which means I can run midday--perfect time of day, especially if I can get outside!!  Crossing fingers on this.

Speaking of crossing fingers, remember that other thing I was crossing them about?  Yeah, he didn't get selected, not even for an interview.  Stink!


  1. I love listening to audio books on my commute too! I just recently started -- had no idea it made me look old! ;) So far I've listened to Pride, Prejudice, & Zombies and I'm half-way through The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

  2. I'm off for those 10 days too! Can't wait! Sorry your Hubby didn't get selected. :(

  3. Can't wait for the mid day runs I'll be able to do on the next two Fridays!!!! Running in the sunlight, here I come!!!!!

    I LOVE running with audio books. I also, though, feel "old." My commute to work used to be 45 minutes each way, and that's when I got into the habit of listening to them.....I tried one during running and LOVE it!!! :-)

    I can't listen to music or books where I run in the mornings before work for safety reason (no sidewalks, running in the street, very deserted area, etc). I recently started listening to audio books while I run on the trails...running to music really throws me off. I'd still prefer to run without anything at all.

    Yeah, I know, I'm strange. :-)

  4. Bummer! Ha I have to listen to really energetic music when I am running. Thanks for the sweat comment today!

  5. Crap! So sorry that your husband wasn't selected for an interview.
    Lori, (prepare yourself for a hard sell on audiobooks): you just haven't found yourself the right narrator. Seriously, a good reader can make the phone book sound interesting. If you haven't listened to The Help yet, try that. Also, David Sedaris is wonderfully funny to listen to. Keep searching!

  6. I'm so sorry your husband didn't get selected. *BIG HUGS* Ya know, I can't recall ever listening to an audio book. Don't give up on it. Keep searching, and I bet you'll find one you enjoy. :)
