Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Yesterday's elliptical workout was brought to you by Wildfire.

I started watching this show on Netflix last week, and I finished up all 51 episodes as of yesterday.  I honestly didn't think I'd like it and was just looking for a new show to watch while on the elliptical, but I was hooked from episode 1!  The premise is fine, the acting is decent, the plot lines are far fetched, but the horses are beautiful!!!  I always wanted to have a horse, ever since I watched the Black Stallion movies as a kid.  I even set one of my fictional stories in a made up town, Shetan, Vermont.  (If you don't get that reference, you don't love the Black Stallion.)

45 minutes elliptical, 10/10, 4.21 miles


  1. One of the male leads on that front cover is the son of a guy in my office. One of our conference rooms is therefore named "Wildfire."

  2. That must be Ryan’s dad! He’s the one from Boston! Yes, when I find a show I like, I stalk the actors’ bios! And Ryan was my favorite!!
