Monday, October 31, 2011

13/21: Don't quit

Today's weight: 161.8 (15 lbs to goal)

I've lost 3.8 lbs during my little challenge.  Unfortunately I have only exercised twice-last Monday and today.  It's all good, though.  My main focus of this challenge was to get my head back on straight and I think it's working.

My exercise goal for this week is to run 4 times.  Three 5Ks and one 5K+.  I also plan to do a little stretching, abdominals, maybe weights, maybe yoga, whatever I feel like as long as I get in the runs.

I've been reflecting a little bit on my habits last year at this time vs. this year.  I was pretty strict about getting 4 runs done every week last year and sticking to my "diet" plan.  Reviewing my running data from then kind of gave me a kick in the butt.  I know it's doable!  Last year, it was all still new and I was still going strong to reach my goal by the end of the year.  This year, I'm burned out a bit, still pretty much at the same weight as I was then. While staying the same weight is great and I'm glad to have "maintained", my goal hasn't been to maintain yet.  I have spent this year trying to actually lose weight!  While I could be discouraged about my lack of progress in that area, I'm going to focus on the fact that I have not quit!  I have continued to run, I even ran a half marathon!  I've learned a whole lot about myself in the process too.

So with all that set, let's get this party started.  15 pounds to goal!  I can AND WILL do it!

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