Saturday, April 30, 2011

I did it!

I signed up for a half marathon.  I'm excited and scared.  This run is geared towards women of all ages and skill level.  I think it will be a good first half! 
In the meantime, I have to run 12K on Sunday!!  Three cheers for lactic acid!


  1. That sounds so fun - I want to do a half someday! And the offer of chocolate and champagne doesn't hurt. :) Good luck at the 12k!

  2. Thats great you can do it!! does that mean they hace chocolate and champagne at the end of it? our area has a big 15k race that finishes at our local brewery - every running gets a free beer. the race is in the morning so they typically done betwee n9-1030. I can not imagine running 15K and then drinking a beer

  3. Hooray!!! Im so excited for you!! good luck with the training, it will be so huge to finish!!

  4. Congrats for signing up for your first half. I remember last year when I did my first 20k. I was scared to death. The most I had ran was 6 miles. You will do awesome.

  5. I've got the lactic acid overload hobble going on today! (giggle)

    Congrats on signing up for that half! You'll have a great time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. !!!!!! I wish you were doing the one in boise. I am signed up for that one in June. Keep up the great work on training!
