Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Some Things Change and Some Stay the Same

First things first, today's weigh in:  157.0!  That is a 2.4 pound loss for the week, a week that inlcuded Thanksgiving!!  My total loss is now 79.8 pounds, and I am 20.2 pounds from my goal.  Yay me!

I mentioned yesterday that with the changes to the Weight Watchers plan the amount of WWPP allowed each day/week has increased from the old Points Plan.  I don't want to give the values of all foods, but I would like to spotlight a few things.

My favorite breakfast, an english muffin with peanut butter was formerly 4 Points; it is now 7 WWPP.  With a banana added, it was 6 Points, now it is 7 WWP.  I love that comparison!

Raw almonds, my afternoon snack of choice, was 2 Points and it's also 2 WWPP.

My beloved Chobani yogurt was 3 Points and it is 3 WWPP.

A grande skinny vanilla latte from Starbucks was 3 Points and it's also 3 WWPP.

A grande nonfat chai tea latte from Starbucks was 4 Points and it's now 6 WWPP (the sugar [carbs] increase the WWPP).

Cottage cheese, 1/2 cup = 2 Points and 3 WWPP.

So that gives you an idea of the changes.  It's clear that eating the healther stuff is better.  Now, given that I'm a human Points calculator I will still be figuring Points and monitoring exactly how many WWPP I'm eating versus how much it'd be worth using Points.  I want to know if the new plan is helping me or hindering me.  I'm really excited to find out!


  1. Congrats!!!! That is so amazing!! I am slightly jealous, but so happy for you too!! ;)

  2. You lost over Thanksgiving... That is seriously IMPRESSIVE, Lori! Go you!!

  3. I have been wondering the same thing. I need to track a day both ways and see how it turns out. For the first two days, I have found myself hungry at the end of the day- which really didn't happen on the original plan. But I think that just means minor changes (maybe more healthy fats?) and finding what works for me.

  4. Congrats on the loss, too!! GREAT JOB on a Holiday week!

  5. Congrats on that loss! That's awesome, especially during the holidays. :)

  6. Down 2.4??? That's awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Great loss!
    I have been hearing so many great things about the new program, so glad to hear you are liking it!
    WTG on a successful week,and with it being Thanksgiving and all, that's huge!

  8. Wow, do you deserve a medal for actually losing over a holiday week! YAY!! Well done! Those chai tea lattes are so dangerous for me - I LOVE those things.
