Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Need Blog Header

I've been fiddling with my blog look again tonight.  I have made it much cleaner while still showcasing the purple that I love!  What I need now is a blog header.  How do I make one of these cute things?  I don't want anything too complicated, just a pic or a two, and some fancy font.  Any suggestions?  Are there programs for this?  Or maybe my best option is to pay someone to design it for me?  Thanks in advance!


  1. Ive been wanting the same thing! I cant wait to see what people say.

  2. Laura at Laura Jane Designs designed mine. Maybe she can help. Here's her URL: http://laurajanedesigns.blogspot.com

  3. I use scrapblog.com. If you can't figure it out or don't have the time, I can do one up for you. If you like it, you can use it and if not, that's ok too! I did my blog header.

  4. Rae, thank you for that info. I made a header. I wish it was a little wider and not as tall, but it works!

    Stephanie, I'm going to bookmark that site for future use. Someday I'll pay for a professional blog header, but for now I'm too cheap. :)

  5. OK I love the header! I've been wanting on too...what program did you use?

  6. Katie, I used the one recommended by Rae, scrapblog.com. It was really easy and free. You can also pay for extras, but I just went with free.

  7. Thanks a million. I may try it out. I made one in picnik, but I'm not sure I really like it. lol.
