Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Day After Mother's Day!

What a great weekend!!

It was soccer Saturday with both my son and husband having soccer games.  My son didn't score, but the hubs did!  He's still glowing.  We had lunch with friends on Saturday and dinner with different friends.  I love spending time with friends!!

Yesterday we went on our hike and it was so beautiful.  The weather was perfect for spring and the place we went to is dense with foliage and greenery.  No one else was there so it was very quiet and peaceful.  The hike itself wasn't too terribly long, but was nice up/downhill terrain.  It really made me want to get out there more.

We talked about going out to dinner last night, but I opted for a long nap/rest for myself.  I napped for 4 hours!  Well, some of it was sleeping, some of it was staring at the ceiling, and some of it was just plain laying down with my eyes closed.  It was wonderful!  I am a loner, I admit it.  I so enjoy being with my friends and family, but sometimes I just like being with ME.

I had a fairly good eating weekend.  Saturday I ate a small bag of potato chips, a grilled cheese sandwich at the restaurant, and some curly fries!!  I tracked all of it.  Saturday night we had pizza, and although I had three slices, they were small.  I tracked that too.  I love how WW lets me have the things I enjoy without "cheating".  Of course that's not all I ate over the weekend, but those were the indulgences.

So with all that said, my determination is waning.  This morning I woke up feeling so fat and bloated.  I ate a can of Progresso soup last night that is filled with sodium so I know that's part of it, but I was up over 3 pounds today!  Tomorrow is my official weigh-in so I hope it magically goes away today.  Like I said above, I love how WW lets me eat what I want, but I'm also kind of sick of tracking everything.  Burned out is probably a better way to put it. 

As for the exercise, I like the NMTZ workout, but it is hard.  I was up doing the workout at 11:00 p.m. last Thursday because I had to work late.  While I felt stronger than the first time I did it, I still hated the pain.  And I hate working out at night.  I also attempted another run outside on Friday morning which turned into another feeling of failure.  Why is that?  I picture myself out there, I visualize and all that, but for some reason it still hurts so much that I hate it.  I feel like I've come so far on my treadmill and it's all erased when I'm outside.  This does not bode well for an outside 8K run in July.  I'm planning to continue the Gateway to 8K program, but I admit that I'm not feeling it like I was with Couch to 5K plan.  Right now I have no excitement or feelings of anticipation for my run tonight.  I just keep thinking how it's not fun to workout at night.

So it's not all sunshine and roses in my neck of the woods.  But I am trying to hang in there.  I'm almost halfway to my goal and I do not want to give up.  But right now I am questioning my resolve.  I need to figure out something to get me feeling upbeat about all this again soon.

I did start reading a new book: Winning by Losing by Jillian Michaels.  I figure, I enjoy her on The Biggest Loser, I am using her workout DVD, so I might as well read one of her books too.  I'm not far enough into it yet to offer an opinion.  Maybe it will help with my resolve.

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