Thursday, August 25, 2011

Three Things Thursday

1. I watched the movie Country Strong this week and I LOVED it.  I'm currently obsessed with the soundtracks--yes, there are two, and I don't even love country music!  I'm also not ashamed to admit that I now have a huge crush on Garrett Hedlund after seeing this movie.  I actually think I might be a closet cowboy fan.  Oh, who am I kidding, I'm not in the closet!

2. I did not meet my time goal for my run last night.  If you'll recall my goal was 19 minutes for 2 miles, but instead I finished in 19:46.  I am not defeated, though!!  I will try again soon.  Last night I was on the treadmil, next time I will head outside.

3. I am working on putting together a fun giveaway.  A few things have to happen before I announce it, but it's coming together and should happen in the next couple of weeks. 


  1. That's still a great 2 mile time! I caught a small clip of Country Song on Starz this weekend... it totally sucked me in and I'll be adding it to my Netflix!

  2. That is an awesome 2 mile time! I so need to kick myself in the butt and get my runs going again, cuz going every 5-7 days isn't fooling anyone myself included ;) Have this movie reserved for me at Redbox for tonight!
