Thursday, August 18, 2011

An Open Letter to Weight Watchers

Dear Weight Watchers, or as I like to refer to you, "W.W.":

We've spent many years together, but as with many relationships sometimes it's okay to say good-bye and in our case, I think it's time for me to say it.  We've had a good run, from Exchanges to Winning Points, to Flex Points.  Unfortunately, your PointsPlus and me cannot seem to find a happy place together.  I'm not saying there is anything wrong with the new you, it's just that the old me cannot embrace this new you.  I don't want to relearn everything I already know.  I know that my breakfast is worth 6 Points, but now you're telling me it's worth 7 PointsPlus with or without the banana.  While I know bananas are healthy, I think eating one should cost me, or not eating on should benefit me.  Yes, I know a banana is a better choice over a 100 calorie pack of air, but the basic formula for weight loss will always apply.

As it is, I know these things and don't need you to tell me.  I don't need your complicated system in order to keep track of my foods.  I also don't need your system to tell me if I'm hungry or not.  Just because I might have available PointsPlus does not mean I need to use them, it does not mean I am still hungry.  But sometimes I get caught up in your numbers and seeing them makes me "feel" hungry even if I'm not.  Again the problem is not yours, it's mine.

I need to learn to live on my own as I do not plan to pay you $16.95 (or more) a month for the rest of my life.  Yeah, if Iim a lifetime member at my goal weight, I know I can attend your meetings for free, but your meetings are boring and full of old bitties who are just using you for their seniors day out.  I'm sorry there is nothing to be gained from them except what not to wear in old age.

So after all you've done for me, I'm saying good-bye.  I have learned from you, I have much to thank you for.  If not for our relationship which began when I was 14, I might have grown up not knowing the amount of calories in beer and wine.  I might have become a total boozer.  If I didn't know the benefits of exercise which activity exchanges and Points taught me, I might not have always carried the desire to be a runner.  You're still helping people and I will still recommend to my friends, but our time together has come to an end.  I don't know if it will be forever, but I really hope it is.  My life will no longer be lived according to your daily and weekly PointsPlus.  There will no longer be a "weight tracking day".  I shall be free to weigh whenever I want and start over everyday if I want.  I want the freedom.  I bid you adieu and wish you well. 

Take care.


  1. Awww! Good luck on your journey WW free! I am still a slave to the points (not that I count them often). Works in progress!

  2. I haven't read about anyone who actually likes the new Pts+. I think it has just made it so that you're more reliable on WW for the formulas and stuff so they benefit, not the members.

    I have no doubt you will continue to succeed on your own!

  3. It took me a while, but I eventually learned the new PP+ system and really, really like it. But WW is a weight loss tool, and sometimes you need a different tool.

    Keep working on the healthy changes in your life and you'll eventually get to where you want to be!
