Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Motivation and Determination

Katie, over at Runs for Cookies (here) had a great post the other day called "The Difference Between Motivation and Determination" (here).  It is awesome and you should check it out.  I agree with her views 100%.

I do enjoy creating little motivators for myself, but I know that determination is what will get me to my goals.  I thought I would share a couple things which do serve as motivators for me.

Inspiration board

Race bibs and a 10K medal

My half marathon display
My treadmill is in our basement and unfortunately I'll be running there for awhile yet since we just got a huge amount of snow.  The Mill faces the corner and the walls are red. 
I have an upcoming project and that is to decorate those walls.  I bought two magnetic white boards just like my inspiration board above and I'm going to hang one on each wall, and then fill each with motivating and inspiring items like pictures and quotes.  I'm really looking forward to having something more fun to stare at!!  I'll share some photos when I am done.

Do you have a treadmill?  Do you put motivators near by?


  1. My treadmill is wedged into its current place. It faces the TV, but the display board comes up so high I can't really see over it. I dream of the day when I have room to move it so that it faces a window or a decorated wall...or ANYTHING!
