Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Weigh In - 07/05/2011

Starting weight: 236.8
Last week's weight: 159.4
Current weight: 159.8
Gain/loss: +.4
Total gain/loss: -77.0
Pounds to goal: 23.0

I am okay with this small gain.  I had a really good week last week.  I ran, I made it through Jillian's No More Trouble Zones DVD one and a half times, and I ate pretty much what I wanted over the holiday weekend.  I ate an Oreo ice cream dessert and lots of chips and that was fabulous and tasty!

My awesome holiday weekend included me in a swimsuit!  I have not worn a suit comfortably for years!  Years, I tell you!  This year I indulged and bought a Miraclesuit.  While I don't think it automatically makes me look 10 pounds slimmer, I do feel pretty darn good in the suit so it was worth every penny!  I actually wore it all day yesterday without any cover-up!  I guess it's an NSV of sorts!  I also wore it in the lake when I went tubing with my son!  Me, on the tube!  It was truly fabulous and my son loved that I got out there with him.  I am so glad I changed my life while he's still young!

Here's my Miraclesuit (available at Eddie Bauer or Amazon):

This is the style of the front of the top (mine isn't this print):

This is the back of the top in the print I purchased (paisley):
This is the style of the skirt:

What were your NSVs over the holiday weekend?


  1. Hey Lori! It's Stephanie from She's In There Somewhere (my old blog - I have a new one now). I'm so glad I found you again! You're doing GREAT!

  2. You are sooo making me want to buy this suit for the beach in a month!! I hope it brings me as much confidence as it brought you!!

    And 159...WOW!! Keep up the amazing work!!
