Monday, July 11, 2011

Finally summer!

I'm coming off another great weekend filled with sun.  My tan is in full swing!  I love summer!

Wearing the white shirt again!
 This week is my "taper week" as I head into my half marathon this weekend.  Tapering would mean less mileage, but since I haven't run the long runs (over 6 miles), this week will feel fairly the same.  And even though I haven't done those long runs, and even though I am still nervous about my half marathon, I am completely excited about it at the same time.  No matter what my finish time is, I'll have a PR!  Finishing=winning.

I leave for Seattle on Saturday and will be staying until Wednesday with my BFF or BFFL, however you want to look at it.  We plan to shop, laugh, and have a great time together no matter what happens with my race on Sunday.  I really wish she was doing the half with me!  And I will say it again, I don't think I will tackle another half marathon unless I have a buddy.  My mom will be dropping me off at the race and she'll be there at the end, but having someone along side me, earning the same medal as me would be so much more special.  A half marathon still feels like a huge accomplishment to me and I'll love having achieved this goal, but I would love having someone there with me, too.  Oh well, I have been a solo runner all these months so running the half solo will be fine.  I am still hoping for the 2:30 finish, but without the proper training on the books, I'm leaving it up to God and my legs and lungs to determine my finish time.  I'm okay with whatever time I get as long as I finish on my own two feet!


  1. You are going to do great. I hope you find a running partner. I know for me it works, because it makes accoutable to someone else. Otherwise I would just stay in bed and not do the long runs. They are hard. Congrats on doing all your running solo. I think that in itself is awesome. Dont worry about a time just try to relax and run, walk and you will be amazed how well you will do.

  2. you are going to do great! good luck!

  3. I know what you mean about a running buddy! I had one for my first 8k but she stopped wanting to train and eventually skipped the 10k we had planned. We have another 8k together this week and I hope she doesn't flake out - no matter what distance, I think, it's always more fun to race with friends and family. Such great support!

  4. I just want to wish you the very best! I have been running for about 7 months now and just did my very first half marathon. I have just started reading runner's blogs and found yours to be inspiring. Thanks for letting me read and for sharing your stories.

    Good luck and just enjoy the whole experience!!

  5. You are my hero...have fun this weekend and good luck.

  6. Haven't checked in with you for a while, but wow, a half - that's great. Was just on vacation and drove through Spokane. Actually, my parents were with me, so I played the "special occasion" card and we went to lunch at the Davenport. Yum.
