Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Yikes!!! and a DIY

Yikes!  I've updated my weight tracker here on the site through December and it's not pretty.  Skeered!

I wanted to share a little DIY medal display.  It is so simple and perfect for those of us without many medals, actually 1 medal.

I ordered a race photo from my half marathon last July (cha-ching!) and I wanted to display it.  Then I had this puny little medal (seriously, those race medals are not that cool) that I wanted to put somewhere also.  I came up with this.

 Luckily there's a nice blank spot on the corner of the photo and the medal seems to be just the right size for that spot. I looped the medal ribbon around the easel of the frame and wah-lah, perfect display for my home office.

How do you display your precious race medal/photo?


  1. That is such a cute idea! I don't have any medals yet. Maybe one day :)

  2. Looks great! I'm going to put my race numbers thingy's. (I don't know what to call them) together in a picture frame. I saw this before and it's pretty cool! You get a large frame and you put 4 of them together in the center of it. I think they will look awesome in my workout room!

    Keep focused!
    Keep focused!

  3. I put my photos on my blog and my medals go in the cupboard of my bed. I know, pretty lame.

  4. That's a great idea! I didn't get any good pictures of myself at the end of the race, though. :[ For now, my medal is sitting on the bookshelf next to my desk so I can look at it all the time!

  5. That's awesome. I have my one medal and a couple of race bibs pinned to a cork board behind a door. It's never visible, so I need to change that up.

    I've never purchased a race photo before. I always look terrible! You look so cute in yours. UNFAIR! lol
