Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Coeur d'Alene 5K at Riverstone - Race Recap 5/29/11 (A PR!)

All last week the forecast for the weekend was cold temps with rain.  Somehow the outlook changed long about Friday and sun with milder temps was expected for our Sunday race day.  It was a bit cool in the morning, but the sun was shining!  Hallelujah!

Here I am with my parents before the race.

This was my very first event last year fresh off the Couch to 5K training plan when my mile pace was right around 12 minutes.  My goal last year had been merely to run the entire way without stopping to walk.  I reached that goal and finished in 36:27!!  I went into the race this year with a plan to beat my time from last year.  My unspoken goal was to finish in under 30 minutes.

I'm so proud to say that I DID IT!

Official race time: 29:34!!! 

Yes, that is my fastest 5K to date! 

I have to say that I felt awesome before, during and after this race.  I love this course because it's paved and basically flat.  It's held on the Centennial Trail which was made for biking, running, and walking activities, and is not subject to car exhaust, potholes, and the like.  Since it's an out and back course, it is awesome to see the winners making their way back.  Another plus is the amount of numb skulls who stop and walk without taking notice of who is behind them is minimal.   All in all, I would say that this might be my favorite race, and definitely my favorite race distance.

My Garmin was very helpful on this one, and of all the running gear I think I can't live without, Forrest is number one on the list.  I didn't want to make the mistake of starting too fast so I made sure to keep track of my pace in the beginning.  I absolutely love having the distance, pace and time easily accessible on my wrist.  I can see it becoming an obsession for some, but I use it as a tool not an obstacle.

Anyway, I keep watching the race site for race photos and they haven't been posted yet.  I hope to update this post later with an official photo.  The one below was taken by my husband.  I notice my form does not look all that great.  Oh well.

Heel strike, anyone?
After this, my second event of the season, I'm feeling pumped, although, for some reason I go through a case of the nerves in the days leading up the event.  So much so that I start feeling as though I don't even want to do it at all.  Luckily I push through the nerves and make it to the starting line.  I thought this one would be different because I'd done it once already, but nope, I still nearly chickened out.  The feeling goes away soon after the race gets underway, but it's definitely there at the beginning.  I'm already worrying about my half next month.  It's next month, people!!
What about you?  Do you get nervous before events?  How do you deal with it?


  1. Congrats on the race!It's so awesome to be able to reach your goals!

  2. Awesome time!!! I'm running 5K at just over 30 minutes and can't wait to break it. Great job!

  3. Great job! I think one of my summer goals is to try and run a sub-30 minute 5k. I always get nervous before things, which can be tough because my nerves tend to manifest themselves in terms of a stomachache and it's hard to eat - not good before races! My nerves usually calm down and become bursts of adrenaline energy once I get to the start line, though.

  4. How wonderful!! Congratulations!!

  5. Major congrats, Lori! Running on smooth, flat pavement is my running dream! You should feel so accomplished! Summer has barely begun and look at what you've already completed!

  6. Congrats on your new PR!!! :) I'm so proud of you!!!! :)
