Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Quickie Check-In

Last Monday's weight: 156.6
Today's weight: 153.8
Loss: 2.8 pounds (9 days)

At this weight, my BMI is considered normal if I say I'm 5'6".  It is still overweight at 5'5".  Regardless, I want to get below 150!  Then there is no borderline.  I wll be in the 140s and I will have a healthy BMI!  I have not been logging my food, but aside from Sunday's splurge, I have been eating fairly well.  For some reason logging anything seems too tedious.  I'm trying to keep things in check on the eating front.  I'm hoping to get below 150 before my half marathon on July 17.

My half marathon training officially starts next week.  I'm following a 10 week program which calls for 4 runs a week and I will also continue with 2 yoga workouts.  I am still working out my run schedule.  I have been running M,Tu,W,F with yoga on Tu,Th, but I might need to break up the rest days with the increase in mileage.  I'm considering a running schedule M,T,Th,Sa with yoga on W,F.  I'm just not sure if planning my long runs on Saturday is a smart idea.

This week I am running and resting.  I will still post the Bloomsday race recap, but for now I'll say that I was riding the high from my results through a rest day on Monday until 1 mile into a run yesterday.  And oh boy, my legs were tight and somewhat rebellious.  I finished all 3.1 miles, but it was fairly slow and I stopped to stretch a couple times.  This morning, just 12 hours later, I headed out for another 3.1.  There is something that's certain--my muscles do not like cold temps.  This morning it was about 35 degrees and it was a very hard run.  The sun was shining so I wanted to get outside, but I think when it's below 40 degrees, I'm just better off to hit the mill.  Tomorrow I recoup with some yoga, and then I'll run another 3-5 on Friday.  I will rest Saturday and Sunday and then start my official training on Monday 5/9!!  Yay!!


  1. Stretch on cold days! At least that's what they told me in my running group when I started in January.

    I just got my training schedule for my first half. It's seven months away! Not sure I could do it any faster than that. I'm impressed by your progress!

  2. I always find that first run after a race really sucks! I remember running after my first half marathon and being like, did I just run 13 miles? Because I feel like I can't run 3 at the moment! :) Good luck with your training!

  3. Looking forward to reading about your half training...and congrats on the loss.

  4. Congrats, Lori! Just think, by this time come fall or before, you will be at GOAL!
