Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A Post a Day in May

Yes, that's what I'm going to strive for, one post everyday.  By the end of the month, I should have a solid direction for this blog, whatever that may be.  Today's post will be a hodgepodge of things.

Yesterday was a good day on the eating and exercise fronts and that makes me very happy.  I am proud of myself!!

This Sunday is Bloomsday, that little 12K run I have on my schedule.  Man, I don't want to do it.  I don't, I really, really don't.  But I might still be doing it, I don't know.

Unfortunately, it's probably time for me to buy some new clothes, some larger ones.  Ugh!  I have putting it off, hiding myself in bulky sweatshirts and jeans, but since the weather is getting warmer, I think I'll have to bite the bullet and buy a few things.  It makes me sad and I feel disgusted with myself. 

Tomorrow I have an appointment with a jeweler.  My husband and I will be celebrating our 16th anniversary this year and we are looking at some new wedding rings.  A few years ago we talked about doing something special for our 15th anniversary, but since he was out of work last year, it definitely wasn't in the budget!  We have some jewelry to trade so we are hoping to not spend much actual money, but it will be fun to see our options! 

I watched all four available seasons of Gossip Girl on Netflix.  Okay, that show is terrible, but seriously addicting!  It is so far out of touch with reality, well the reality I know anyway, yet I couldn't turn away.  I can't wait until the current season is out there for me to watch! 

Tonight is the finale of The Biggest Loser.  Can I just say that this has been the worst season of this show, the absolute worst!  The contestants are awful and such whiners!  I can't believe the two most annoying females are in the final 3! I'm not a huge reality TV watcher, but I've always been drawn to this show because of the amazing transformations.  This season has been filled with whining and backstabbing and bitching and quitting!  Ugh, I can't wait for this season to be over.  As for the show itself, it's getting a little out of control with the product marketing.  How many commercials within the show to we need for Jennie-O turkey, Subway, Britta, etc.? 

Well, that is all for today.  Talk to you tomorrow.

Have you been watching The Biggest Loser?  What do you think of this season?


  1. This is really my first season watching TBL, but it hasn't been that great in my opinion either. While I don't mind Kim being in the finals, I absolutely cannot stand Conda.

    I think the guys who left the show are complete idiots for giving up their chance at the big prize. It was in the contract. They do it every year. Ugh.


    The in-show commercials are horrible, I agree. That alone is enough to make me apathetic about the next season.

  2. I totally agree with you! BL is terrible this year. It's like stop your whining - I am over you. I also agree with the comment above about the in-show commercials. So tacky. I mean, I get it right, advertisers help pay for the show but enough already. Just stop! The PB Cheerios one was the worst. And I get it - you eat at Subway. A lot. Try something new! Going out to eat is NOT a death wish and there are other options out there! We don't need to see the contestants eating Subway every 5 minutes. Whoops - sorry for my rant.

    I really, really hope Conda doesn't win.
