Saturday, April 2, 2011

What Goes Down Must Come Up

I didn't get to run my fast FLAT course on Friday.  Instead the run started out on the downhil which meant it would finish on the uphill.  And hills, oh how I do not like hills.  My 4.3 mile run ended with a pace of 11:20.  It's not bad, but definitely the slowest run in awhile.  Wasn't I just saying how I'd gotten faster?  I actually had to walk the hills today, plus that pace includes the warm up and cool down walks so it really isn't bad and I'm okay with it.  I'm not okay with the walking, however.  Must. Keep. Running.

Bloomsday, which is the 12K event I'll be running on May 1st has a huge hill.  The hill is known as "Doomsday" and is just under three quarters of a mile long.  It's not steep exactly, it's just a steady, LONG climb.  I have heard from even the best runners who've say they walk the hill.  I don't want to walk, I want to run the entire 12K.  But that hill scares me.

Here is the elevation info for Bloomsday.  Ugh, you could say I have a case of nerves for this event.  Luckily there's still time to train.


  1. You are going to do great at your race in May. I hate hills to but for some reason I run those the fastest because I just want to get it over with. Just remember take it one step at a time and that hill wont be so big.

  2. When I first started running I used to lament hills. My husband suggested I just say "I love hills, I love hills" whenever I encountered one. It became an ongoing joke - I still chant "I love hills" when I come to one. It's starting to work though....I'm starting to believe it. ;)

  3. I have heard so much about this race! :) When we were training hills with my team in training group we had t-shirts that said "HILL - YEAH!" on them. It always made me keep pushing through thinking that motto. My advice with hills is to take it slow.You are going to do great!! :)
