Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Weekly Weigh In

I remembered to weigh this morning.  154.6.  That is a loss of 1.8 since last week. 

This week is going okay.  I had not planned to tap into my weekly points, but that didn't even last one day when we had a birthday party to attend and I overindulged in Mexican food.  Not too badly, but still over my daily points.

I had the one run and plan to log another tonight. 

All over the blogging land it seems many are struggling right now.  It must be the time of year. 

I am ready for spring.

I am ready to run outside without all the layers.

I am ready to start really losing weight again.

I am ready for my husband to find a job.

I am ready for my nose to stop running, my head to stop hurting, my cough to stop suffocating me.

(At least I can kind of control one of those things.)

I am ready to end this post.


  1. Good job with the running! And everyone is ready for spring!!!

  2. 1.8...that's really great!!!!!

    It does seem to be going around, doesn't it? Illness, funks.....spring is just around the corner!!!!

  3. Awesome WI Lori! WTG!
    I too can't wait for spring, so sick of the snow!
