Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A Hodge-Podge of Thoughts Before Bed

I looked back at my weight log and noticed that I entered the 160s back on August 19!  That means it took me almost three months to lose the last 10 pounds!!  No wonder it seemed like the 150s were elusive.  I know, I know, a loss is a loss and at least I'm sticking with it.  But aren't we all itching to get there fast? 

I have about 23 pounds left to lose until I reach my goal and if it takes me a half a year to do it....well, I'm not sure how I could stick to it.  I want to get to the next phase; don't we all?  So I'm taking a look at my eating, my points allowance, my exercise plan, and my soul in order to figure out how I can get this these pounds moving a bit faster.  What am I willing to change?


Tonight we went to Disney on Ice.  I actually thought we were done with those shows, that my son wasn't interested, but he asked if we could go so I obliged.  I am sad to report that I think it was probably our last year.  It's so not the same when your child isn't mesmerized by the show.  In past years, it was so fun to watch him get excited about the sights and sounds; this year he was more interested in playing with my iPhone than anything else. 

I'm okay with my son growing up.  I don't get teary over the inevitable transition from childhood into adolescence and young adulthood, etc.  But occasionally I get a little melancholy over the years that have already past.  They go so quickly, don't they?  (Unless you're dieting, that makes things slow down a little. ha ha)


I heard today that Trader Joe's is coming to my little town in 2011!!  This is so exciting to me.  I have only been there once, but I picked up some of the best stuff--some healthy, some not so healthy (cough cough, mini peanut butter cups, cough).  I can't wait to have access to their healthy options whenever I want.  Now we just need to get a Whole Foods!


I have been reading a bit and listening to podcasts about building on your strengths.  Have you ever heard of a speaker by the name of Marcus Buckingham?  He is phenomenal and makes so much sense.  He defines strengths as not just what you're good at, but as something that makes you feel strong.  Sure, you're probably good at it too, but doing it also makes you feel energized and alive.  I'm thinking about this with regard to my job and my responsibilities at home.  There are many things I do that make me feel strong and there are some that make me feel weak, drained, and depleted.   I am asking myself what changes I can make so that more of my time is spent playing to my strengths.  I'm still in the listing stage, but I'm excited about the prospects. 


I am making a commitment to getting some scrapbooking done this weekend.  I love scrapbooking, but I have not been very active with it for quite awhile.  I made a page completion goal earlier in the year and I am far from achieving it.  I need to get back to it because I know how enjoyable it is.  I have so many supplies that I either need to use up or get rid of.  I think I'd rather use them up although digital scrapbooking holds an allure that it never did before.  Making my blog header felt like scrapbooking and it was so fun!  So this weekend, I will scrap!


I will not be doing the 5K event this weekend.  Well, I'll be doing a 5K on my treadmill, but not outside at the official event.  It is going to be too cold for me!   But I'm still hoping for Friday's 5 mile run to be outside.


I missed my run today, and I ate 3 ounces of corn chips.  Hey, at least I measured them, right?  I will make it up tomorrow.  And with that I must get to bed.

Night night.


  1. I LOVE Trader Joe's. Enjoy. Makes eating healthy a little easier and a little yummier. The frozen brown rice is one of our staples.

  2. Sounds like you are making some really positive changes. It's good to reassess things every once in awhile to see what's working and what's not.

    I hope you are able to incorporate some changes that will work for you.

    I'll be thinking positive thoughts for you!

  3. I'm so happy that you're getting a Trader Joe's. I ACHE for one of those stores in my town but they have no plans to come here. So, I have to hit one every time I travel (I'm the only person I know that goes on vacatin and brings home groceries!) lol

  4. I would love to have a Trader Joe's. The closest one to me is about 2 hrs away! I love the new header!

  5. We have a Whole Foods....and, I didn't know it until yesterday, a Trader Joes that has just opened as well. Hubby and I revamped the way we eat....but we've slowly been slipping back into some of our old habits. It's so easy to do!

  6. I love Trader Joe''s one of my "must see" destinations whenever I do cross-border shopping. That, and Target!
    I saw a clip from a Marcus Buckingham speech a few months ago at work. The notion of focusing on your strengths is interesting. I was fascinated by the statement/realization that 'focusing on your weaknesses and improving those only makes you more average". So true!
    PS - love the new blog look!
