Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A Magical Night!

My friend and I saw Magic Mike last night!  It was so fun!  We were giggling and covering our faces a lot!  I highly recommend this movie for a fun night out with girlfriends.

What does that have to do with weight loss?  Well, I didn't have any popcorn or snacks! 

I absolutely love going to the movies and having all kinds of treats with me.  From M&Ms and (diet) soda, to popcorn and Skittles.  YUM!  I have been in the habit over the past few months of visiting Walgreens for theater candy and then buying popcorn and Diet Coke at the concession.  Last night I ate a nice little salad for dinner and then besides my Diet Coke, I didn't get anything to eat at the movie!  I can't say I didn't miss it, but my friend had popcorn and it actually didn't smell that good so it made me feel better.  (Am I the only one that notices the smell of microwave and movie popcorn is kind of gross if you're not actually eating it?  That reminds me, I need to check out air poppers.)

This is not to say I will forgo the treats everytime, because I do love me some movie popcorn (sans butter flavoring), but for the time being, I think it's best to stick to my daily caloric goal and avoid it.

As for calorie counting with My Fitness Pal yesterday, all was well.  The only think I don't like about the database of items is that it is so extensive that every search brings up so many matches, it can be hard to choose the one to use.  Also, I've noticed the calorie counts are not always accurate for all items, especially with fruit and nuts.  So if you're thinking about using this program for tracking, just beware that not every entry is correct.  Once you sift through and choose the ones that work, they will be available as recently used items which makes it quite convenient.  Although, I haven't figured out how to get rid of the recently used incorrect items which I have accidentally chosen on occasion.

Anyway, that's the story for today.  Enjoy the 4th and see Magic Mike if you're looking for a good time!

What say you?
Do you love movie popcorn? Or can you easily avoid it?  Do you like the butter flavoring?

I used to love getting the buttery, greasy goodness on my popcorn, but I avoided eating it for many years when I was younger because I was either dieting, or too cheap to buy it when we went to the movies.  When I finally tried it again one day, it totally made my stomach hurt!  Nowadays I don't even want it.  Sometimes if I share popcorn with a friend and they want it, I'll compromise, but it always makes my stomach feel a little sick.

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